Hello everybody !!
It has been long since i wrote something on my blog .
I had to take a gap due to my exams and vacations . This time i am gonna tell you about the benifits of Biginteger class of java .
BigInteger class of java can be imported from math class of java . There are several benifits of using BigInteger class which puts the java user a way ahead than C/c++ users in certain aspects.
For Example : if you are required to find 25! ,, there are no any built in data types in C/c++ which can store such a big value.
If you try finding 25! using C/C++ , it would take you very complex method to do so . Fortunately we can solve it easily in Java using BigInteger .
BigInteger class supports basic integer operations in it . Some of the useful methods are :
addition : add(BI) //BI-> BigInteger type
substraction : substract(BI)
multiplication : multiply(BI)
divide : divide(BI)
remainder : remainder(BI)
modular : mod(BI)
javaBigInteger has several other bonus features that can be useful during programming
contests—in terms of shortening the code length—compared to if we have to write these
functions ourselves. Java BigInteger class happens to have a built-in base number converter:
The class’s constructor and function toString(int radix), a very good (but probabilistic)
prime testing function isProbablePrime(int certainty), a GCD routine gcd(BI), and a
modular arithmetic function modPow(BI exponent, BI m)
the following program shows how to calculate 25! using BigInteger :
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;
class Factorial{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int n= 25,i,j,k;
BigInteger product = BigInteger.ONE;// BigInteger has special cnstants like ZERO,ONE,TEN etc
product = product.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i)); // here we cant write i directly ,, coz integer needs to be typecasted in BigInteger here
System.out.println("The value of your faactorial is = " + product);
Base number conversion using BigInteger :
given a base b and two positive integers p and m in base b.We have to compute p%m in base b .
i.e if we have b=2 , p = 110 ,m = 011 . answer should be 010 . i.e 5%3 = 2.
the following solution explains this :
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
while (true) {
int b = sc.nextInt();
if (b == 0) break; // special class’s constructor!
BigInteger p = new BigInteger(sc.next(), b); // the second parameter
BigInteger m = new BigInteger(sc.next(), b); // is the base
System.out.println((p.mod(m)).toString(b)); // can output in any base
} } }
It has been long since i wrote something on my blog .
I had to take a gap due to my exams and vacations . This time i am gonna tell you about the benifits of Biginteger class of java .
BigInteger class of java can be imported from math class of java . There are several benifits of using BigInteger class which puts the java user a way ahead than C/c++ users in certain aspects.
For Example : if you are required to find 25! ,, there are no any built in data types in C/c++ which can store such a big value.
If you try finding 25! using C/C++ , it would take you very complex method to do so . Fortunately we can solve it easily in Java using BigInteger .
BigInteger class supports basic integer operations in it . Some of the useful methods are :
addition : add(BI) //BI-> BigInteger type
substraction : substract(BI)
multiplication : multiply(BI)
divide : divide(BI)
remainder : remainder(BI)
modular : mod(BI)
javaBigInteger has several other bonus features that can be useful during programming
contests—in terms of shortening the code length—compared to if we have to write these
functions ourselves. Java BigInteger class happens to have a built-in base number converter:
The class’s constructor and function toString(int radix), a very good (but probabilistic)
prime testing function isProbablePrime(int certainty), a GCD routine gcd(BI), and a
modular arithmetic function modPow(BI exponent, BI m)
the following program shows how to calculate 25! using BigInteger :
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;
class Factorial{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int n= 25,i,j,k;
BigInteger product = BigInteger.ONE;// BigInteger has special cnstants like ZERO,ONE,TEN etc
product = product.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i)); // here we cant write i directly ,, coz integer needs to be typecasted in BigInteger here
System.out.println("The value of your faactorial is = " + product);
Base number conversion using BigInteger :
given a base b and two positive integers p and m in base b.We have to compute p%m in base b .
i.e if we have b=2 , p = 110 ,m = 011 . answer should be 010 . i.e 5%3 = 2.
the following solution explains this :
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
while (true) {
int b = sc.nextInt();
if (b == 0) break; // special class’s constructor!
BigInteger p = new BigInteger(sc.next(), b); // the second parameter
BigInteger m = new BigInteger(sc.next(), b); // is the base
System.out.println((p.mod(m)).toString(b)); // can output in any base
} } }